Tulips, one heart.

I’ve got spring fever and so do the weeds. God bless the tenacious tulips that are planted so tightly the weeds don’t have a prayer. We’ve been visiting florists for the first time. It’s amazing how self conscious I am about stem lengths and that neither mom nor I knew that florists buy in sets of 10. You gotta start somewhere and much like my sadly short anemones were beginning low. Selling tulips is tricky. They have a small window of being ready to harvest and once they crack, it’s game on. We appreciate everyone that supported us and we’re excited to grow with you in our first official year.

-Margaret Dillon.

Planting day to our first tulip delivery day. Thanks to Kelly Jackson for helping me place bulbs and standing on the tiller so it would make trenches.

Planting day to our first tulip delivery day. Thanks to Kelly Jackson for helping me place bulbs and standing on the tiller so it would make trenches.


Weddings and Weeding